book reviews

Mini-Review: If I run by Terri Blackstock

2 If I Run review

Author:  Terri Blackstock
Title: If I Run
Genre: suspenseful, thriller, mystery, Christian fiction
Publisher: Zondervan
Publication date: February 16st 2016
Format: e-book
pages: 305


If I Run by Terry Blackstock tell the story of Casey Cox wrongly accused of murdering, who had to flee before the police could get hands on her. On her track there’s a war-weary veteran Dylan Roberts damaged by PTSD; He thinks that bringing Casey back could redeem him but he doesn’t know all the truth and when their life intersects his belief shattered right before his eyes. Does she really his a psychopath killer on the run or the system has failed her and so is she really a selfless hero?

The Book is a Christian fiction, Christian book disguised as a mystery thriller, suspenseful novel. When I requested the book on Netgalley I could not know the real truth because the synopsis had attracted me, and I was ready to delve into it and be shocked, punched in the gut by a good mystery and crime story. However, the opposite happened. The Author instead has written the book only to shove Christianity on the readers. She made you think, she wanted you to think that only faith could be the answer/solution to any problem you are facing. And that’s not true. I haven’t digest this subtle move, although  I was rose as a Christian and I have no problem with books who have religious elements in it. I felt cheated on, I felt robbed of precious time. And I’m downright sad because the book had amazing premises, I expected more. She could’ve worked more on crime side of the book and on the characters because Casey should’ve been smarter, yet she made a mistake after another who led her to almost being caught.
I’m going to read the next book ( edit: I’m reading it, almost ended it actually) hoping the author has worked more on the case and not on feeding her readers with her Christian belief.


I’ve received a free copy from the publisher via NetGalley, my opinion haven’t been affected by that. I only write honest review.

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