
Author Spotlight: L.J. Shen

author spotlight

Hello lovelies readers, I know you are all always ready to discover new Authors and, maybe try, new genres; and maybe challenge yourself to ready out of your comfort zone. I’ve done that and I come across a very talented Author: L.J. Shen.

I’d have never met her if I hadn’t opened up to new things and stuff. Now I’m exited to introduce her to you and to make you all delves into her world; made of sexy dudes, strong women, and steamy relationships.

Yes, I might not be a big fan of romance and I haven’t read enough book of the genre, yet, I can tell you she is one of the best. Her books are not the same, her characters are not dull and she is able to make you hate/love them at the same exact time. Some of her story are paradoxical , in the sense you can found them annoying yet can’t get enough of them. { I’m a walking paradox, hence why I love who’s able to make me feel conflicting feelings } .


L.J. Shen is a #1 Best-selling author of contemporary romance books. She was born in San Franciso, but live in California with her husband and her son. She’s the creator of badass/criminals men who make your whole body twitch all over. Her inspirations are: John Fante, Charles Bukowski, William S. Burroughs, Zadie Smith, Jonathan Franzen, Mia Sheridan, Woody Allen, Stephen King, Bret Easton Ellis. If you wish to know more about her you can find her here:

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Sparrow recounted the story of Sparrow Raynes a twenty-two naive girl, who was forced into a marriage by Troy Brennan a powerful son of a dead Irish mobster.Sparrow had little to no idea why Troy had chosen her to be his wife. She was nowhere perfect. She was a normal girl, a tomboy one and no rich at all. Yet, here she was forced to get married and share her life with a total stranger, or worse with a man without moral, a criminal, a murderer..a soulless manwhore. However, she was scared she refused to play the role of the nice wife troy expected her to be. Instead, she fought back at any chance.

Troy is a twisted, reckless, cocky and unapologetic bastard. He doesn’t explain himself nor the things he does  and why he does that. He’s a layered character which slowly are revealed to us as the novel progresses. For many might be hard to love him, but here I am loving this a****e since the start.  As I said earlier, he’s multilayered , he has secrets and his action – for the most part – are driven by revenge. Because he’s do anything to protect his “possessions” aka what/who he most loves, and nothing and no one would stop him to achieve what he so much long.. Vengeance.

You can read my review over here



Let me know what you think about her and if I have to continue with this kind of post.


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